Base de Dades Espectacles de Catalunya


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Resultados de la búsqueda

1. Tights I [Performance]
2. 0 [Performance]
3. 24h working bitch [Performance]
4. A punta de saliva [Performance]
5. Abordage [Performance]
6. Acció, performance [Performance]
7. Air Lines [Performance]
8. Al oeste del Pecos [Performance]
9. Albano [Performance]
10. Appearance [Performance]
12. Autòpsia. 1a part [Performance]
14. BACH PROJECT [Performance]
15. Bastarda. La mirada secuencial [Performance]
16. Beautiful me [Performance]
17. Blind Point 1: Silence [Performance]
18. Boccato di cardinale [Performance]
19. Body Safe(er) [Performance]
20. Box with Holes [Performance]
21. Canto mineral [Performance]
23. Carmen / Shakespeare: La Total [Performance]
24. Cases [Performance]
25. Charles, Alice and me [Performance]
26. Cinema Dub Monks [Performance]
27. Ciudades [Performance]
28. Cleaning the house [Performance]
29. Concierto geológico [Performance]
30. Corpus [Performance]
31. Creació fragmentada I/II [Performance]
32. Crudo Ingente [Performance]
33. Crura [Performance]
35. Cul de sac [Performance]
36. Cutting Edge [Performance]
39. Dios tiene vagina [Performance]
40. Domini públic [Performance]
41. Drum invocation [Performance]
42. Duques de Bergara Unplugged [Performance]
43. Eat me: Ana [Performance]
44. El Cremaster de los cojones [Performance]
45. El Palacio de la Memoria [Performance]
46. El agitador Vórtex [Performance]
48. El candidato (o candidata) [Performance]
49. El caso del espectador [Performance]
50. El disparador [Performance]
51. El venedor de gelats [Performance]
53. Embenatges [Performance]
54. En foc la mar [Performance]
55. En l'esperit de la nina [Performance]
56. Entresols [Performance]
57. Epizoo [Performance]
58. Escenasenluznegra [Performance]
61. F.21 [Performance]
62. Fang [Performance]
64. Forever blowing bubbles [Performance]
65. Fractal [Performance]
66. French Chicken [Performance]
67. From Naná to Chachá [Performance]
68. Fémina ex máchina [Performance]
69. Guillotina [Performance]
70. Happiness [Performance]
71. Hibrid Accions [Performance]
72. Hipermembrana 2007 [Performance]
77. Inexhib [Performance]
78. Interstate 2000 [Performance]
79. Io.Zn [Performance]
81. Katastrophe [Performance]
82. Kingdom [Performance]
83. L'home bala [Performance]
84. L'home d'aigua [Performance]
85. La (des)espera [Performance]
86. La bola del món [Performance]
87. La muchacha en la ventana [Performance]
88. La plaza [Performance]
92. Las ultracosas [Performance]
94. Les esqueiters [Performance]
95. Live Art [Performance]
96. Lolling & Rolling [Performance]
97. Low pieces [Performance]
99. Lúltim cabaret [Performance]
100. Macadamia Nut Brittle [Performance]