Base de Dades Espectacles de Catalunya


El número de resultados a mostrar por página

Resultados de la búsqueda

1. La (des)espera [Performance]
2. Concierto geológico [Performance]
3. Crura [Performance]
4. Rojo pandereta (Psicoballet) [Performance]
7. Ànima [Performance]
8. Las ultracosas [Performance]
9. Mirage - displacement [Performance]
10. La plaza [Performance]
11. Happiness [Performance]
13. The line of thought [Performance]
14. Se'ns moren les plantes [Performance]
15. Noche cañón [Performance]
16. Mágica y elástica [Performance]
17. Drum invocation [Performance]
18. Canto mineral [Performance]
19. Corpus [Performance]
20. Silenzio! [Performance]
21. Albano [Performance]
22. New(a)Days [Performance]
24. Carmen / Shakespeare: La Total [Performance]
25. The mountain [Performance]
26. The Mountain [Performance]
27. El candidato (o candidata) [Performance]
29. BACH PROJECT [Performance]
31. Tigger of hapiness [Performance]
32. Kingdom [Performance]
33. Opus [Performance]
34. Silenzio [Performance]
35. Planeta KA [Cia. Imagina't] [Performance]
37. El disparador [Performance]
38. Fang [Performance]
39. The last cabaret [Performance]
40. 24h working bitch [Performance]
41. Dios tiene vagina [Performance]
42. Ágape insípido [Performance]
43. Les esqueiters [Performance]
44. Charles, Alice and me [Performance]
45. Cases [Performance]
47. Cutting Edge [Performance]
48. Perfomance municipal [Performance]
49. Polos [Performance]
50. Cul de sac [Performance]
51. P Project [Performance]
52. Still life [Performance]
53. Macadamia Nut Brittle [Performance]
55. Appearance [Performance]
56. My body is a cage [Performance]
57. Micro [Performance]
59. Crudo Ingente [Performance]
61. Lúltim cabaret [Performance]
63. Hibrid Accions [Performance]
64. Low pieces [Performance]
65. Katastrophe [Performance]
68. Air Lines [Performance]
70. Tights I [Performance]
71. Beautiful me [Performance]
72. Duques de Bergara Unplugged [Performance]
73. Terminal [Performance]
74. Box with Holes [Performance]
77. Trece años sin aceitunas [Performance]
80. Hipermembrana 2007 [Performance]
81. Simple Proposition [Performance]
82. French Chicken [Performance]
83. Al oeste del Pecos [Performance]
86. Palau i Fabre a l'asfalt [Performance]
87. Patent Human Energy [Performance]
90. Melodrama [Performance]
91. Product of Circumstances [Performance]
92. Vamos a ponernos en el centro [Performance]
94. Inexhib [Performance]
95. El caso del espectador [Performance]
96. Performance [Theatre of Times] [Performance]
98. Pool [Performance]
99. The End of the Moon [Performance]