Base de Dades Espectacles de Catalunya


El número de resultados a mostrar por página

Resultados de la búsqueda

1. "dos" [Performance]
2. Al oeste del Pecos [Performance]
3. Autòpsia. 1a part [Performance]
6. Creació fragmentada I/II [Performance]
10. Ecomotion [Performance]
12. El caso del espectador [Performance]
13. El eclipse de A [Performance]
14. Ell a ella i ella als llibres [Performance]
16. French Chicken [Performance]
17. Hipermembrana 2007 [Performance]
18. Home Security Services [Performance]
19. How Heavy are my Thoughts [Performance]
20. Inexhib [Performance]
21. La diosa [Performance]
23. La vaga [Performance]
26. Llengua [Performance]
28. Mamaíta no soy mala [Performance]
29. Mariposas [Performance]
30. Melodrama [Performance]
31. Mi madre y yo [Performance]
34. Palau i Fabre a l'asfalt [Performance]
36. Patent Human Energy [Performance]
37. Performance [La Carnicería] [Performance]
38. Performance [Theatre of Times] [Performance]
39. Pool [Performance]
40. Product of Circumstances [Performance]
41. Protomembrana [Performance]
42. Re(PER)curso [Performance]
43. Re-presión [Performance]
44. ReacTable [Performance]
45. Real Pornography [Performance]
46. Scelett magnifique [Performance]
47. Simple Proposition [Performance]
50. The End of the Moon [Performance]