Base de Dades Espectacles de Catalunya


El número de resultados a mostrar por página

Resultados de la búsqueda

101. Mamaíta no soy mala [Performance]
103. Esaché" [Performance]
104. Ecomotion [Performance]
106. Insider [Performance]
107. Autòpsia. 1a part [Performance]
108. Bastarda. La mirada secuencial [Performance]
109. Real Pornography [Performance]
110. Vlog (jo també videografio) [Performance]
112. Tránsito [Performance]
113. Mariposas [Performance]
114. Scelett magnifique [Performance]
115. El eclipse de A [Performance]
116. How Heavy are my Thoughts [Performance]
117. Home Security Services [Performance]
118. Re-presión [Performance]
119. La diosa [Performance]
120. Llengua [Performance]
121. Ulrike. Texto humano [Performance]
124. Working Class Hero [Performance]
125. Protomembrana [Performance]
126. Violències [Performance]
127. Ell a ella i ella als llibres [Performance]
130. Latung La La i el gran comensal [Performance]
131. Creació fragmentada I/II [Performance]
132. Pool [Performance]
133. The End of the Moon [Performance]
135. Performance [Theatre of Times] [Performance]
136. El caso del espectador [Performance]
137. Inexhib [Performance]
138. Las Vicente matan a los hombres [Performance]
139. Vamos a ponernos en el centro [Performance]
140. Product of Circumstances [Performance]
141. Melodrama [Performance]
145. Patent Human Energy [Performance]
146. Palau i Fabre a l'asfalt [Performance]
148. "dos" [Performance]
149. Performance [La Carnicería] [Performance]
151. La vaga [Performance]
152. ReacTable [Performance]
153. The Language of Walls [Performance]
155. Al oeste del Pecos [Performance]
156. Simple Proposition [Performance]
157. French Chicken [Performance]
158. Hipermembrana 2007 [Performance]
161. Re(PER)curso [Performance]
162. Trece años sin aceitunas [Performance]
165. Tendency [Performance]
166. Terminal [Performance]
167. Box with Holes [Performance]
168. .../... (b) [Performance]
169. Domini públic [Performance]
170. Duques de Bergara Unplugged [Performance]
171. Cherrybone [Performance]
172. Beautiful me [Performance]
173. Tights I [Performance]
175. Amadou [Performance]
176. Territorio: sad y k [Performance]
177. Air Lines [Performance]
179. Cinema Dub Monks [Performance]
180. Bottom Paint [Performance]
182. Retrospectiva de Xavier Le Roy [Performance]
183. Katastrophe [Performance]
184. Low pieces [Performance]
185. Homeward Journeys [Performance]
186. Afàsia [Performance]
187. Pseudo [Performance]
188. Hibrid Accions [Performance]
191. Guillotina [Performance]
192. Lúltim cabaret [Performance]
193. Crudo Ingente [Performance]
194. Live Art [Performance]
196. Forever blowing bubbles [Performance]
197. True Stories [Performance]
198. Els suplicants / Conviure a BCN [Performance]
199. Micro [Performance]
200. Murs [Performance]