Base de Dades Espectacles de Catalunya


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Resultados de la búsqueda

202. My body is a cage [Performance]
203. Appearance [Performance]
204. Macadamia Nut Brittle [Performance]
206. Still life [Performance]
207. P Project [Performance]
208. Vakuum [Performance]
209. Cul de sac [Performance]
210. De cintura para arriba [Performance]
211. Polos [Performance]
213. Antibiòtic [Performance]
214. Perfomance municipal [Performance]
216. Horitzó cec [Performance]
217. Goldengas [Performance]
218. Dreams [Performance]
219. Cases [Performance]
221. Cutting Edge [Performance]
222. The last cabaret [Performance]
223. 24h working bitch [Performance]
224. Dios tiene vagina [Performance]
225. Ágape insípido [Performance]
226. Les esqueiters [Performance]
227. Charles, Alice and me [Performance]
228. No hay banda [Performance]
229. Cuerpo Móvil. Burundanga files [Performance]
230. Fractal [Performance]
231. El disparador [Performance]
232. Fang [Performance]
233. Protocol#7 [Performance]
234. Planeta KA [Cia. Imagina't] [Performance]
235. Likes [Performance]
236. Silenzio [Performance]
237. Opus [Performance]
238. Kingdom [Performance]
239. Tigger of hapiness [Performance]
240. Zen x zen [Performance]
242. BACH PROJECT [Performance]
244. Eat me: Ana [Performance]
246. El candidato (o candidata) [Performance]
247. The mountain [Performance]
248. The Mountain [Performance]
249. Carmen / Shakespeare: La Total [Performance]
250. Entrar a vivir [Performance]
251. Un altre dia diví [Performance]
253. Iball [Performance]
254. New(a)Days [Performance]
255. Albano [Performance]
256. Tête-à-tête [Performance]
257. Silenzio! [Performance]
258. El agitador Vórtex [Performance]
259. Lolling & Rolling [Performance]
260. Cuckoo [Performance]
262. Corpus [Performance]
263. Canto mineral [Performance]
264. Drum invocation [Performance]
265. Mágica y elástica [Performance]
266. Washington [Performance]
267. Noche cañón [Performance]
268. Se'ns moren les plantes [Performance]
269. The line of thought [Performance]
271. Happiness [Performance]
272. La plaza [Performance]
273. Mirage - displacement [Performance]
274. Cavalo do cao [Performance]
275. Las ultracosas [Performance]
276. Ànima [Performance]
279. Rojo pandereta (Psicoballet) [Performance]
281. Crura [Performance]
282. Concierto geológico [Performance]
283. La (des)espera [Performance]
285. Pqv36Mb20 [Performance]
287. Mosques [Performance]
288. Cena-show-fresca! [Performance]
289. Lo mínimo [Performance]
290. Ocells-textos-onades [Performance]
291. Cromofonies Columnaris [Performance]
292. Together [Performance]